Safety Procedures & Compliance Issues

Safety Procedures & Compliance Issues

Management Safety Statement

In fulfilling its educational mission, the Houston Community College System recognizes a commitment to its employees and students to provide a safe and healthy workplace, free from recognized hazards to the greatest degree possible.

Since injuries and property loss through accidents are needless, costly, and preventable, the HCC System will strive for the elimination of all accidents and health hazards by the establishment of a safety and health program based on fundamental safety concepts.

Two of the safety program's basic responsibilities are the establishment of emergency procedures to diminish the effect of catastrophic events; and the prevention of accidents; whether they involve employee injuries, student injuries, or property damage. Administrators will therefore provide full support for all safety procedures, training, and hazard elimination practices necessary to achieve these goals.

Supervisory personnel are directly responsible for the instruction of all employees under their jurisdiction in regard to proper procedures and safe methods to be utilized in performing duties in the working and instructional environment; for taking immediate corrective measures to eliminate hazardous conditions; and for implementing practices for the prevention of all accidents.

Each employee (full-time or part-time administration, instructor or staff person) shall cooperate in every respect with the system's safety and loss control program. Some of the major points of the college system's program are as follows:

  • Employees must follow recognized safe work practices as a condition of employment within HCCS. Students must abide by safe practices and procedures established for the classroom, or other instructional environment.

  • Hazardous conditions and other safety concerns must be reported to the responsible supervisor immediately. Supervisors will take appropriate action to initiate corrective measures.

Each System employee has the responsibility for his or her own safety, as well as the safety of fellow employees and the student members of our college community. Employees must become familiar with the potential hazards of their jobs and do what is necessary to ensure their safety. By these means, we can achieve the safe working and learning environment due all members of our college community.  


Mail Safety Concerns

The Safety Office recommends mail handlers and other follow these guidelines as appropriate to their handling of mail and packages:

 Additional considerations include not eating or having foodstuff in the area of mail handling operations and good hygiene practices during and after mail handling



Safety Manual

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